Prepositions of time

AT for specific times AT for hours at 9 o’clock in the morning at 4 a.m. at 8 p.m. AT for parts of the day at night at midnight at noon/midday at sunrise/sunset at dawn at bedtime at lunchtime at dinner AT refers to time at present at the moment at the weekend (British English) […]
Prepositions of place and movement

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE ATINONUNDERBEHINDIN FRONT OF BETWEENAMONGNEXT TONEARABOVEBELOW PREPOSITIONS OF MOVEMENT PASTTHROUGHUPDOWNOUT OF INTOALONGACROSS ONTOOFFUNDEROVERAROUNDAWAY FROMTOWARD Some sentences with prepositions of place and movement My grandparents live above my apartment. There is a basement below my apartment. I like this picture on the wall. The dog is hiding under the bed. He must be really scared […]